Looking for Life – Easter 2019

Scripture: Luke 24:1-12

A group of women who live and serve Jesus go to his tomb and find a stone rolled away… and they look inside, where their hearts had broken just a few days before, and find the possibility of new life. Where are the cracks in our lives where we must be unafraid to look in order to make life possible?

For Christ is risen!

Note that this sermon was preached from an outline on the original Sunday, it may vary in some ways from the written text.

Discovering Promise

Scripture: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

On a day in which we grieve the pain of siblings in Abraham in the mosques of Christchurch, NZ, we remember that God makes a promise to Abraham, and Abraham believes… in a way that makes space for the continuing discovery and expansion of God’s promise and blessing.

A Prayer from A New Zealand Prayerbook
Blessed are you, God of the universe.
You have created us, and given us life.

Blessed are you, God of the planet earth.
You have set our world like a radiant jewel in the heavens,
and filled it with action, beauty, suffering, struggle and hope.

Blessed are you, God of Aotearoa New Zealand
in all the peoples who live here,
in all the lessons we have learned,
in all that remains for us to do.

Blessed are you because you need us;
because you make us worthwhile,
because you give us people to love
and work to do
for your universe, for your world and for ourselves.