Geoff Parker is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ in Maine, and a former technology middle-management drone who had a conversion experience of sorts and began working and living with communities of church folk.

fullsizeoutput_11eeHe’s a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and Yale Divinity School and thinks singing is an act of faith, and should be done freely… especially if you don’t know the song. Growing up, he traveled with a national touring music group, finding and learning much through music, as well as the stories and lives he encountered on the road. He writes and thinks about theological exploration as a response to challenges of work, vocation, and leadership, and otherwise making meaning of our lives. His academic work has included the use of religious rhetoric in American political life, Christian ethics as a site for anti-racism work, and creating theologies of young adult identity development.

Transformed by experiences of welcoming meals as a traveler, Geoff loves to share God’s gifts at table by feeding people: through worship, or through his love of chopping stuff and introducing it to fire. He lives in Brunswick, Maine with his partner, Julia.

Geoff’s ministry is centered in the parish at Foreside Community Church. 
You can find sermons and worship services from FCC here.
Occasional other thoughts might land here.
